
OST Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Footprint

OST, Inc.’s carbon footprint has been developed in line with the requirements provided in the relevant standards of the GHG Protocol; namely, the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard and the GHG Protocol Corporate Value Chain Accounting and Reporting Standard. In calculating our GHG emissions footprint, we have included all offices, business travel and purchased goods in our assessment of environmental emissions for Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, and the disclosure here represents emissions for Scope 1 and 2.

Using the table below from the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard (Appendix F), OST has determined that the bulk of its emissions arising from direct and indirect combustion are Scope 3 Emissions which are not listed in this disclosure.


OST’s combined GHG Emissions for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions is:

 Summary of Organization’s Emissions:
Scope 1 Emissions
Stationary Combustion 0 CO2-e (metric tons)
Mobile Sources 1 CO2-e (metric tons)
Refrigeration / AC Equipment Use 0 CO2-e (metric tons)
Fire Suppression 0 CO2-e (metric tons)
Purchased Gases 0 CO2-e (metric tons)
Location-Based Scope 2 Emissions
Purchased and Consumed Electricity 0 CO2-e (metric tons)
Purchased and Consumed Steam 0 CO2-e (metric tons)
Market-Based Scope 2 Emissions
Purchased and Consumed Electricity 0 CO2-e (metric tons)
Purchased and Consumed Steam 0 CO2-e (metric tons)
Total organization Emissions
Total Scope 1 & Location-Based Scope 2 1 CO2-e (metric tons)
Total Scope 1 & Market-Based Scope 2 1 CO2-e (metric tons)