We call our approach to IT delivery Agile 5. It combines the concepts and principles of the CMMI Level 5 high-maturity process areas with Agile methodologies. This is done to significantly improve the delivery rate of product capabilities, while maintaining a high level of quality and employee satisfaction. Bringing CMMI and Agile together may seem unconventional (if not impossible), as their respective methods seem at opposite ends of the spectrum. We found that our Agile 5 approach leverages the discipline, comprehensiveness, and sustainment focus of CMMI with the build, speed, and lean focus of Agile. This allows us to bring the best of both worlds to our clients.
Agile 5 has been recognized as a best practice and was shared in CrossTalk, the Journal of Defense Software Engineering, an approved US Department of Defense journal sponsored by the Air Force (309SMXG), DHS and the Navy (NAVAIR).
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